Why do we need this section?

There is little here that is not well accepted. These definition of coding guidelines are not opinionated

They exist so that when doing coding reviews there should be no ‘well I like a method with 50 lines in it, I think it is clearer’. Whether or not that method with 50 lines in it is actually better for the author, it does not meet these coding guidelines, and thus should be rejected in a coding review.

General Coding Guidelines

Finally don’t let dogma get in the way of readability. This isn’t an excuse to ignore the above points and should affect only a tiny percentage of your code

Preferred programming styles

This policy does not yet cover languages like COBOL. It recommends Functional Programming over Object Orientated and states that actors should be avoided if possible.

Meta principles

Principle Reason
Don’t Repeat Yourself This is a core principle in good code. A fact should be expressed in the code in one and only one place
Resisting pressure It is your job to exercise engineering judgment and balance delivering requirements against keeping the code base clean.
YAGNI You ain’t going to need it. Don’t over engineer ‘just in case’ or because ‘we know we are going to need it’